Building on that Positive Sense of Humor

1. Bring out the child in you.

Children are naturally funny, amusing, and enjoyable. Showing up your innocent side to other people can help you develop your sense of humor easily.

Assume playful behaviors. Be open to childish and even meaningless stuffs. They may seem nothing to you, but they can totally entertain other people.

2. Think funny.

See the lighter part of every situation, rather than the serious one.

When you failed an exam, say that it was not because you didn’t study, but because you studied too well that your brain exploded with all the information it contained.

On the other hand, when you’re late at work because you weren’t able to wake up on time, say, “I know it would be traffic so I let it cease first before I went to the office.”

Upon close observation, you’ll realize that there is always a flip side to everything, so try to unravel and make use of it.

Besides making you cheerful, funny thoughts can reduce worries and anxiety that serious situations can bring about.

3. Laugh at your mistakes.

Nobody is perfect, and no one will be.

Therefore, it is inevitable that we all will commit mistakes.

When this happens to you, don’t get mad right away or blame other people.

Doing such won’t help you turn back the hands of time and redo the situation.

Hence, make fun of it instead. Yes, it may be embarrassing, but who cares? At least you know how to turn your low points upside down.

4. Be in between happy people.

Surround yourself with those who can make you laugh or can teach you how to make use of laughter as a weapon.

Adopt their culture and think the way they do.

Funny people can inspire you to be just like them.

When you get used to seeing their happy persona and hearing their lively jokes, you’d gradually develop their skills at humoring.

5. Learn to sing and dance.

During tense moments, do not worry.

Instead fill your heart and mind with cheerful emotions.

Sing to express. Dance to let go of all the worries and fears.

Life is too short to waste on being upset all the time.

6. Share laughter with family and friends.

It is always more comfortable to have fun with people close to you than with strangers.

Once in a while, go out and spend quality time together with them.

Whether it’s just a simple scrabble match or watching movies, there can always be a positive sense of humor situation that can take place. Grab these opportunities to learn.



The Power of Charisma
Understanding the Power of Charisma
Being extraordinary
Encarta about Charisma
How Charisma’s Spell Works
Charisma can get other people to notice you
Charisma can make you likeable
Charisma influences
Charisma can bring out the best in you
Charisma and Lifestyle
Essential Elements of Charisma Revealed
Developing That Charming Smile
Learning to Speak the Language of the Body
Building on that Positive Sense of Humor
Being Friendly and Sociable
Making You More Confident about Yourself
How Can You Be True to Yourself?
Enhancing Charisma
Physical Charm
Be presentable at all times
Maintain good personal hygiene
Learn and practice proper posture
Wear a proper scent
Eliminate body-odor
Stay healthy
Maintain proper hair care
Customize and accessorize
Discard the illusion of fatigue and exhaustion
Finally, bring out that confidence
Intellectual Influence
Always bring a punch line with you
Eliminate negativities
Go on a five-minute vacation once in a while
Always seek, never hide
Equip yourself with relevant ideas
Desire to win
Make healthy and sound decisions
Be professional at all times
Learn to be enthusiastic
Social Appeal
Don’t forget the simple gestures
Remember who’s who
Look back and sympathize
Hey, listen
Discuss, don’t argue
Make others feel special
Always be available
Don’t be jealous
Stay away from gossips
Take it easy with criticisms
Forgive and forget
Show appreciation
Be thankful
Spiritual Power
Summary and Conclusion